What if all the user wants to see a common group (say Marketing) in Workplace? Need to check it in Personalize Workplace for all users?
Come lets try this.
1. Export Sitemap (Settings --> Customization --> Export Customizations --> Site Map --> Export Selected Customizations)
2. Open Sitemap XML and search for the below tag in Workplace (Area Id="Workplace")
3. Remove IsProfile="true" form the above tag
4. Save the file and import into CRM (Settings --> Customization --> Import Customizations --> Select customixation file --> Upload --> Import Selected Customization)
5. Refresh the screen and Marketing will be visible to all users irrespective of Personalize workplace option.
NOTE : Marketing checkbox will no more be available in Personalize Workplace --> Worplace
can't we have it in a way that marketing is selected by default and if the user does not wishes to see it, he can simply go to options and remove the checkbox selection